What can i do with a mechanical engineering degree: This Jacobs Schoolhouse Alumna Is Featured Inwards Elle

Brina Lee was Instagrams's get-go woman mortal engineer exactly in this Elle interview, she confesses that she likes her pictures without a filter. The Jacobs School alum talks most why she likes coding, what applied scientific discipline is together with the sex gap at tech companies.  (Lee earned a bachelor's inwards communications together with a master's inwards reckoner scientific discipline from UC San Diego).

Sample quotes:

Engineering tin last a bunch of things. In all cases, applied scientific discipline is edifice things, whether it last amongst your hands similar a mechanical engineer, or amongst code. To me it’s a creative tool to ready communication inwards many dissimilar ways. And solving problems.

 A lot of people intend that coding is boring, exactly you lot bring to empathise the send upon that you’re having past times submitting 1 or 2 lines of code. Just submitting 1 extra work of code into the Facebook repository impacts a billion people. Same matter amongst Instagram!
Oh, together with Lee's favorite Instagram filter for video is Vesper.

Check out Lee's posts on Huffington Post

Sumber http://jacobsschoolofengineering.blogspot.com/

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