What can i do with a mechanical engineering degree: Awards Flavour

You don't cause got to verbalise to a Jacobs School of Engineering professor for really long earlier they start raving well-nigh the amazing creativity, tidings together with move ethic of their students. Those voices are echoed inwards the awards together with recognition applied scientific discipline students have throughout the twelvemonth inwards scholarships together with fellowships that aid them proceed their cutting-edge research.

The latest honors come upward from the Society for Biomaterials together with the UC San Diego Graduate Student Association.  Congratulations to Aereas Aung, who is 1 of iii UC San Diego graduate students to have the association's 2014 Interdisciplinary Research Award. Aung is beingness recognized for his move using applied scientific discipline principles to empathise cancer metastasis.  

Bioengineering professor Shyni Varghese together with graduate pupil Aereas Aung attend a UC San Diego Graduate Student Association's celebration at The Loft. Aung is 1 of iii graduate students on campus to have the association's 2014 Interdisciplinary Research Award.
Adam Young, who earned his Ph.D. inwards bioengineering terminal twelvemonth working nether the advisement of bioengineering professor Karen Christman, was recognized past times the Society for Biomaterials inwards the pupil awards category for Outstanding Research. Adam of late accepted a task offering amongst Maryland-based biotech companionship ACell. In a disceptation commending Adam, the Society heralded his outreach move encouraging immature people to written report scientific discipline together with engineering:

 In add-on to his lab work, Adam is passionate well-nigh getting involved together with having an touching on on others, including increasing variety inwards scientific discipline together with engineering. He is really involved inwards the UCSD BioBridge program, which plant to encourage immature students to become into STEM fields. He has worked inwards classrooms across San Diego every bit a mentor together with given talks inwards summertime conferences to aspiring immature scientists. Adam has likewise received the prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) graduate question fellowship every bit good every bit an additional fellowship from NSF every bit occupation of the Engineering Innovations Fellows Program, which is allowing him to produce a paid internship this summertime at Cytograft, Inc. “Adam is an extremely brilliant together with motivated pupil who was developing his ain ideas together with planning his ain studies fifty-fifty inwards his commencement twelvemonth inwards graduate school, which is rare,” commented nominator Karen L. Christman, PhD. “Adam is an outstanding graduate pupil both inwards together with exterior of the lab together with volition undoubtedly hold upward a leading engineer inwards the field.”
Another of Christman's students, undergraduate bioengineering pupil Gillie Agmon, has received the Society for Biomaterials 2014 C. William Hall Scholarship for her occur question projects related to skeletal musculus tissue applied scientific discipline together with novel therapies for treating ischemic skeletal musculus associated amongst peripheral artery disease.  Agmon is likewise a Gordon Scholar.

"Working inwards doc Christman's biomaterials lab has enforced my wishing to pursue a Ph.D. inwards regenerative medicine research," said Agmon. "My experiences inwards this lab cause got given me administration together with taught me together with then much well-nigh the applications of biomaterials inwards medical settings. By receiving the C. William Hall scholarship from the Society for Biomaterials I volition forthwith larn the peril to attend the annual coming together inwards Apr together with farther my agreement of biomaterial technology.”

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