What can i do with a mechanical engineering degree:
What can i do with a mechanical engineering degree: Bottoming tapped holes are zilch but holes which has tread (tap) to the really bottom of the hole. This bottoming volition ensure maximum usage of holes infinite for threads.
What can i do with a mechanical engineering degree: Production of bottoming tapped holes tin hold upwards done amongst a bottoming tap tool. These taps select exclusively 1 to 1 ½ chamfered threads. But bottoming taps never used to cutting thread inwards an unthreaded hole equally its got exclusively few chamfered cutting edges at the tip. So ask purpose taper tap (8 to 10 tapered threads) as well as intermediate tap (3 to iv tapered threads) earlier finally bottoming tap.
What can i do with a mechanical engineering degree: So, to brand a bottoming tapped hole,
- Drill a apparently hole but a trivial longer than the intended thread length
- Run downwardly the taper tap
- Run downwardly the intermediate tap, bringing the fully tapped share deeper
- Run downwardly the bottoming tap, bringing the fully tapped share really but about the bottom of the hole.
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