What can i do with a mechanical engineering degree: Mig Welding Or Gas Metallic Arc Welding

MIG welding or Gas Metal Arc Welding:

Gas metallic arc welding: MIG Welding is likewise called equally Gas Metal Arc Welding. Gas metallic arc welding is used to weld the operate slice past times using a consumable electrode of 0.5 mm to 3.0 mm, amongst an external gas source is called Gas Metal Arc Welding. Gases similar Oxygen, Nitrogen, Helium etc are used for the external furnish of gas to weld the operate slice past times reducing spatter, improves the thermal electrical conductivity etc.This procedure of welding is used to deep welding, thick metals as well as it tin weld the metallic which is non done past times TIG welding process. Both the operate slice as well as electrode is connected amongst constant electrical flow furnish through them for getting smoothen utilisation as well as provides a stable arc past times this method.To decrease the oxidation as well as porosity of weld deoxidizers are used at the fourth dimension of the welding process.

Advantages of MIG Welding:

  • The deep weld activeness tin locomote done past times this process.
  • Unnecessary wastes are reduced.
  • The activeness of depositing metallic is more.
  • Complete electrode tin locomote used inwards it.
  • Time taking procedure is less at welding.

Disadvantages of MIG Welding:

  • This is high inwards cost.
  • This is non thence slow to carry.
  • We cannot weld unlike parts amongst this, due to it does non overstep easily to the required share nosotros need.
  • We cannot weld using this when at that spot is heavy current of air is flowing.

Sumber http://mechengineeringinfo.blogspot.com/

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