What can i do with a mechanical engineering degree: H2o Jet, Abrasive H2o Jet Machine: Working Principle, Parts, Advantages, Disadvantages As Well As Applications

Water Jet Machine:

Water Jet Machine: Water jet machine is a type of cutting machine. In this type of machine H2O is used equally medium. In this machine H2O is supplied through dissimilar parts together with enters into the nozzle, together with passes out amongst high pressure level together with strikes the metallic to cutting or take away the extra material. This is 1 of the methods highly used inwards many manufacturing industries. this type of machining procedure live amongst accurate together with faster. This method of functioning has dissimilar uses together with advantages. There are 2 types of H2O jet machines they are Water jet machine together with Abrasive H2O jet machine, amongst the attention of H2O jet machine nosotros tin cutting alone non-metals simply yesteryear using abrasive H2O jet machine nosotros tin cutting metals which are potent together with hard. Here abrasive H2O jet machine working is same equally H2O jet simply at that spot is an additional abrasive particles used inwards it to cutting hard together with potent metals. The detailed Explanation close Water jet machine together with Abrasive H2O jet machine is equally follows:

Working of Water Jet Machine:

When the H2O from a storage tank is lifted yesteryear the attention of the catch together with render to Intensifier their H2O gets highly pressurized together with this pressurized H2O used to larn inwards in to the accumulator where H2O is used to shop inwards it, together with farther this is supplied to valves, at that spot it gets controlled yesteryear valves to exceed required quantity, required pressure level together with from at that spot it enters inwards to menses regulators to larn into a required management together with enters into a nozzle, this nozzle creates a high-velocity outlet of H2O together with helps to strikes the textile to cut/remove.

Parts of Water Jet Machine:

  • Storage Tank
  • Pump
  • Intensifier
  • Accumulator
  • Valves
  • Regulators
  • Nozzle

Storage tank:

Storage tank used to shop the required H2O that ask for machining process.


This is used to render the H2O from storage tank to intensifier amongst normal pressure.


This is used to increment the pressure level of water.


This helps to shop the high-pressure water.


It controls the H2O supply. similar pressure, quantity etc..


It Regulates the H2O menses into the nozzle.


This increases the velocity of H2O enters into it together with brand directions to cut.

Advantages of H2O jet machine:

  • This has highly accurate cutting action.
  • Cleaning the live slice is automatic.
  • High Tolerance tin obtain yesteryear this process.
  • Working medium is water, highly available inwards nature.

Disadvantages of H2O jet machine:

  • Water jet machine cannot cutting metals.
  • Cost is high.

Abrasive Water Jet Machine:

An abrasive jet machine industrial plant the same equally H2O jet machine but, In Abrasive jet machine, it uses Abrasive particles. which is mixed inwards high-pressure H2O to increases the cutting belongings of the fluid. General abrasive particles are garnet,silicon etc.This tin cutting dissimilar types of metals together with used inwards dissimilar industries. This increases the depth of cut. Many industries purpose these machines to live amongst efficient together with to increment production.

Working of Abrasive Water Jet Machine:

This is the same equally H2O jet machining, Water from the tank is supplied to the intensifier yesteryear the attention of a hydraulic pump, their H2O increases to high pressure.
 this high-pressure H2O used to exceed through orifice afterward getting into orifice abrasive particles are used to mix amongst H2O together with farther sent to the valve to render required quantity into the nozzle, this increases the velocity of abrasive H2O together with makes to bang the metallic for cutting/removing.

Advantages of Abrasive Water Jet Machine:

  • This tin cutting whatever type of materials.
  • High accuracy tin obtain.
  • The depth of cutting tin increased yesteryear this method.
  • The functioning is smooth.
  • Mechanical properties changes exercise non tumble out inwards the working process.
  • Surface complete is high.

Disadvantages of Abrasive Water Jet Machine:

  • Cost is high.
  • It removes depression metallic rate.
  • It is hard to machine thick metals.

Sumber http://mechengineeringinfo.blogspot.com/

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