What can i do with a mechanical engineering degree: Rotameter: Construction, Working, Advantages, Disadvantages Together With Applications.

What is a Rotameter:

Rotameter: Rotameter is a fluid menstruum charge per unit of measurement measuring device which is too called a variable expanse meter. This device has a long vertical subway scheme which is transparent to persuasion the measurements on a scale, which is according to the menstruum of fluid through it. to recording this measuring at that spot is an electrical transmitter.

Construction of a Rotameter:

Transparent tube:

This subway scheme is inward a conical shape which has a measuring scale in addition to floats within it, this transparent subway scheme helps to meet the measurements directly.


Float is small-scale equipment alongside accurate dimensions placed within the subway scheme which helps to dot the menstruum charge per unit of measurement inward the tube. this tin flame live made alongside glass, metals or plastic.


Scale shows the measurements of menstruum yesteryear indicating alongside float.


This device helps to tape the measurements accurately than nosotros meet on the scale directly. they operate alongside an electricity supply.

Working of a rotameter:

The fluid inward rotameter used to  menstruum from downwards to upwards in addition to inward the middle of the device at that spot is a scale which used to given an output menstruum rate, when the fluid flow
takes house at that spot is an growth or decrease inward menstruum yesteryear this menstruum the float used to deed upwards in addition to downwards according to the menstruum init. due to the presence of float inward the tube, at that spot is a caput loss occurs, this loss is equal to the weight of the float.

Advantages of a rotameter:

  • We tin flame discovery the charge per unit of measurement of menstruum yesteryear direct visual.
  • There is a low-pressure loss inward it.
  • Cost of this equipment is less.
  • Easy inward construction.
  • We tin flame operate on it directly, without whatever sample flows. 

  Disadvantages of a rotameter:

  • Accurate measurements are non possible init.
  • This is non used where at that spot is fast changes occur inward measurements.

Applications of a rotameter:

  • Highly used inward industries.
  • It used where at that spot is a character render of air is needed.
  • This is used at depression line per unit of measurement area is required eg: gases.

Sumber http://mechengineeringinfo.blogspot.com/

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