What can i do with a mechanical engineering degree: Carnot Theorem

Carnot Theorem

Carnot Theorem: Carnot theorem states well-nigh the reversible break energy convey depression efficiency when compared the oestrus engine, working inward betwixt the high-temperature source as well as low-temperature sink. To assay this arguing at that spot is an explanation below.

Explanation of Carnot theorem:

To assay the inward a higher house statement, allow us catch 2 sources ane is high temperature (source) as well as but about other ane is frigidity (sink) provided amongst 2 oestrus engine systems ane is irreversible as well as but about other ane is reversible.When nosotros render the equal amount of heat(Q) for the 2 oestrus engines, Irreversible engine used to gain hold upwardly well-nigh Wi as well as Reversible engine used to gain hold upwardly well-nigh Wr.

By considering if hold upwardly developed past times Reversible oestrus engine has depression efficiency to the Irreversible oestrus engine then,
  Wr/Qr < Wir/Qir
  We know that oestrus supplied for both the oestrus engines is equal as well as then Qr=Qir
Now nosotros get   Wr/Q  <  Wir/Q
      Wr < Wir 
We teach this equation when nosotros are assuming that the Reversible engine has less efficiency than Irreversible. but inward the farther procedure nosotros tin flame take away the render of high-temperature source because oestrus rejected past times the reversible engine is equal to the oestrus absorbed past times the irreversible engine. as well as then nosotros tin flame connect both engines past times supplying the oestrus required to irreversible through the assistance of oestrus rejected past times the reversible source.

The oestrus rejected is equal to the absorbed heat. past times this, nosotros tin flame say that hold upwardly done past times both engines are equal.
The efficiency of the reversible oestrus engine has non lower than irreversible oestrus engine.

Sumber http://mechengineeringinfo.blogspot.com/

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