What can i do with a mechanical engineering degree: Electrolux Refrigeration - Three-Fluid Refrigeration System

Electrolux refrigeration or Three-fluid refrigeration system

Electrolux Refrigeration: In this Article nosotros volition verbalize over about Electrolux refrigeration. Electrolux refrigeration is likewise called every bit Three-fluid Refrigeration, The advert is followed yesteryear 3 fluids called Ammonia, Water, as well as Hydrogen which is mainly used inwards this process. Electrolux is  employed inwards house of no heart as well as to cut down the sounds.

Working of Electrolux Refrigeration:
The procedure starts alongside entering the ammonia from absorber to generator yesteryear heating the ammonia alongside the estrus ex-changer process, this generator used to permit exclusively a rigid ammonia into the side yesteryear side step, remaining weak solution of ammonia is returned backs to absorber yesteryear estrus telephone commutation process, when the weak ammonia enters to estrus ex-changer it gets cool as well as this estrus is farther used to estrus the rigid ammonia enters inwards it. The rigid ammonia has some H2O vapor to take this generator allows it to H2O separator as well as eliminates H2O particles acquaint inwards it as well as farther this pure 1 is entered into the condenser to teach condensed to liquid ammonia. this liquid ammonia used to function into into the evaporator, inwards this it contains hydrogen which is used to evaporate the liquid ammonia alongside depression pressure level as well as cold as well as passes to absorber, where ammonia used to absorve yesteryear H2O inwards the absorber as well as remaining hydrogen used render into the evaporator, as well as farther absorber used to overstep this ammonia into the generator to consummate the cycle.

Electrolux Refrigeration Construction:

This used to take the hydrogen from ammonia which is supplied from the evaporator.
Heat exchanger:
This is used to transfer the estrus to ammonia.
This used to provide exclusively the rigid ammonia.
Water Separator:
This is used to carve upwardly the H2O particles acquaint inwards ammonia.
This used to condense the ammonia into liquid ammonia.
This helps to evaporate the ammonia alongside the assist of hydrogen.

Sumber http://mechengineeringinfo.blogspot.com/

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