What can i do with a mechanical engineering degree: Human Powered Submarine / Cool Reprap-Printed Prototype

Jacobs School of Engineering undergraduate educatee Alistair Twombly was demo’ing Sebastion, the UC San Diego human powered submarine final nighttime at the Jacobs School’s Corporate Affiliates Program board meeting. This projection is utilization of the UC San Diego chapter of ASME.

During the class of our conversation, Twombly, who is a second-year aerospace applied scientific discipline major, showed off the palm-sized epitome of the dolphin-tail propulsion organization the squad is developing for the side past times side iteration of the human-powered sub. (see photograph below)

Overhead sentiment of the prototype of the dolphin-tail propulsion system

The computer programme is to larn the propulsion organization designed, built together with installed inward a human-powered submarine inward fourth dimension for the international submarine races contest inward June 2015. He printed his dolphin-tail propulsion epitome using his RepRap 3D printer which he assembled himself.

If you lot haven’t heard of RepRap, it’s pretty cool…the thought is that it’s a self-replicating manufacturing machine.
Photos of Twombly’s RepRap prusa mendel iteration two are below. “The construct instructions are all
open origin together with hosted at 
reprap.org which inward full general plant equally a hub for the whole reprap community,” Twombly wrote inward an email.

“I can't state it’s the prettiest printer out there, merely it works,” he wrote.

Sumber http://jacobsschoolofengineering.blogspot.com/

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