What can i do with a mechanical engineering degree : Arduino Projection - Responce Game

So I was asked to brand a board as well as write a brusk programme for a Game individual is working on. The basic sentiment is that at that topographic point are 5 teams alongside assigned colours; Black, Blue, Green, Yellow as well as Red. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 interrogation is asked as well as everyone has to hitting their buttons only 1 the quickest gets to answer. However if they larn it incorrect it goes to the adjacent fastest.

I convey used the Arduino equally its quick as well as slowly to programme as well as pattern for. The display notwithstanding needs to a greater extent than LEDs than at that topographic point is I/O on the board. Yes I could convey used a LCD only LED are cooler! So nosotros convey 4 LEDs for first, second, 3rd etc as well as are coloured blue, green, yellowish as well as blue. greenback for dark I'll non calorie-free whatever LEDs hence that saves me 5 LEDs.

The I/O is expanded using the Microchip MCP23008 that operate over I2C. Then its a illustration of pull-ups for the push inputs as well as hence lots of resistors for the leds.

It is all working forthwith as well as I'll update after alongside circuits, code as well as possibly a video showing it working.

NOTE: the dip switches are alone for testing.
Sumber http://monpjc.blogspot.com/

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