What can i do with a mechanical engineering degree : Monpjc News

Its been a adept few weeks since I finally blogged on hither which is disappointing from my betoken of stance - must assay harder! So hither is my ‘monpjc news’ update...
So weblog wise I promise you lot bring been keeping upward amongst my posts on other sites. on banker's complaint I quite liked my post on DesignSpark nearly using Modbus which I acquire lots of practise using. Here at ebm-papst its ane of them protocols that lots of people use. I besides enjoyed writing nearly how ECU’s function on Formula 1 cars. OK this was some fourth dimension agone but was a interesting fourth dimension working amongst that form of stuff.
Staying amongst Blogs I produce bring some novel tidings for you lot - from July I’ll live on ane of the
Technical Authors on EEWeb. This all started a few weeks dorsum when they spotted ane of my blogs on EngineerBlogs together with asked if I’d live on a featured engineer. I said aye together with hopefully the interview volition live on going upward shortly together with volition allow you lot know when that together with my root article appears.
You may besides desire to give-up the ghost on an oculus out for the brusk article that volition look on the ebm-papst site equally a follow upward to the 555 contest. The meter given away went to Tom the overall winner of the challenger together with hence you lot volition live on able to read to a greater extent than nearly what he is using it for.
Still to come upward shortly weblog wise is a writ upward of the amazing Lego Rubik cube solver together with that volition live on posted on DesignSpark. Also coming shortly volition live on a review of the novel Microchip chipKIT which I bring been given - non sure as shooting where this volition live on posted equally I’m letting Microchip create upward one's hear but I’m form of guessing this volition live on on element14 equally they stock together with sell them.
A fun together with interesting flake of hacking this finally calendar week at function has been setting upward a Linux Ubuntu box to deed equally a extra backup server. So I bring been helping our information technology pupil Carly who is on a gap twelvemonth to larn Linux together with play unopen to amongst fstab together with cronjobs. She has done a wonderfull undertaking getting it all working - who knows she may give-up the ghost an engineer! Its besides been a adept reminder how powerful Linux is equally the tasks nosotros bring the machine running are all simply written amongst a flake of script. So much easier than getting this to function on a Windows machine!
Other than that on a personal banker's complaint some of you lot volition bring seen I did a First Aid course of written report amongst the British Red Cross which was really adept together with Oh I bring finally passed my motorcycle exam together with hence no longer getting slowed downwardly yesteryear my learner plates!

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