What can i do with a mechanical engineering degree : Provide Of The Engineer | Mistake 404

Its been around fourth dimension since I concluding posted a weblog on hither thence I guessed it was most fourth dimension I got dorsum on here.

For anyone that has followed me closely on twitter volition know that I’ve been doing a lot of inwards family training. This has been an chance for me to present our sales too technical the total details of our products. Its non similar they did non know already but I was allowed to acquire into a much higher marking of item equally to how they work. For around it was all shinny too new, equally nosotros bring a number of novel people on board.

From my betoken of sentiment its been difficult work. I’m an engineer afterwards all thence non ane for writing grooming cloth too standing upward doing expiry past times ability point. However everyone was happy amongst what I did too I tin give notice tell that we, too that includes me, bring all learned a lot from the half-dozen months too 200+ hours I’ve done!

So straight off that's all out the agency I’ve got dorsum to spending fourth dimension at run equally an engineer! YAY ME! too utter most dorsum inwards the deep end. I straight off bring a major projection to acquire done too few hours left betwixt straight off too the deadline. So on Mon its going to last total on too I’m looking forrad to it!

The other matter I wanted to comment on is our dependence on the Internet now. Fri it may bring non passed you lot past times to honour it was the 13th. So to halt the bad luck I filled my cycle upward at heart number 13. However it seams that Fri the 13th was planning on getting at millions of us.

The starting fourth dimension I noticed was that I could no log into blogger. The site was non downwards but all blogs were offline. There was no hacking of accounts equally i had starting fourth dimension guessed or DoS attach but natural, if you lot tin give notice telephone scream upward it that, applied scientific discipline information technology issues. According to the official blogger page this outage was caused past times maintenance which damaged around information too they thence spent ages fixing it - I tin give notice merely imagine the squad of engineers working on this too the Oh Sh.... instant when they saw what had happened.

Latter that twenty-four hours I noticed that twitter started to last serving upward lots of images of whales, ie over capacity. After doing a fleck of a search I constitute that lots of people were also getting piffling or no reply from the twitter servers. It also transpired that YouTube also seamed for many to last downwards too. One comment on twitter read “first blogger too straight off twitter too youtube, what the hell is happening!” which is funny equally they posted it on twitter thence it was non down.!?

It seams that none of these sites were effected past times whatsoever ane thing, they merely all had their ain problems, merely all on the same day, Fri the 13th. Thank god they are dorsum online - How would nosotros alive without them!
Sumber http://monpjc.blogspot.com/

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